Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Mar 2025. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
OK, So, What about this one…
Every time a PFR is forced under threat of imprisonment to sign a legal instrument (a contract with the state) such as the original registration form or any update form, without a lawyer present, voids the contract (registration).
A person cannot be forced against his will to enter contract with anyone.
The fact that the states have made failure to comply with SORA a felony offense, and attached it to past conduct which did not include a duty to comply, changes what was once legal activity into criminal activity for that offense. The definition of retroactive punishment.
Especially where the sentence for the offense has been satisfied years before the establishment of the registry, meaning there is no subject matter for a court to operate on, and is time barred from any civil remedy claim to be brought against it.
Failure to register = Felony offense –
Failure to register as a SO for an offense that took place at a time when it was legal activity not to register as an SO for that offense = retroactive punishment for that offense.
An unrebuttable fact that even SCOTUS cannot deny.
A felony is a felony is a felony. NOT CIVIL – Quasi-criminal at the very least and still unlawful to make it retroactive.
So this is a dumb question. How long do I have left to register?
lets say I was convicted back in march 2017. I also registered in 2017. Does my 10 year timer for being a tier 1 in California start in 2017 when I registered or does it start in 2018? Which would essentially mean I end registration in 2026 or 2027.
so confused. I have less than 2 years I think but I’m not sure how to correctly calculate it.
23 days to filing!
This invisible blood libel accusations are getting uglier?
Legal Residents being deported and detained for “Thought Crimes” used as “proof” of Future Blood Libels? Any “Pro-Palestinian” sentiment is “Proof of support for Hamas” and that means we should Presume Blood Libels?
None of this directly impacts the Registry or the LIES that are used to maintain the Illusion of Legitimacy it hides behind, but this issue has enough crossover that it could have impact to this community?
Not everyone is ready willing and able to condemn the Blood Libels being thrown at these immigrants as false, unfair and unjust, then demand that the blood libels being used against PFRs aren’t as well….I hope. Not everyone is a galactic scale hypocrite… is my hope.
Sooner or later the Judiciary will have to weigh in on this subject in broader constitutional terms? What can the State do today to prevent the Blood Libels they presume will occur tomorrow? What kind of Burden of Proof do they have to meet to even take their presumptions seriously?
Can the State do whatever it wants to whomever they wish just by saying that their victim will commit crimes in the future? They can just declare anyone they want Pre-Guilty of crimes that haven’t even happened, just by saying that they will eventually? What exactly can they do in response to this premonition of doom?
Been doing that to PFRs for over 20 years, but now things have changed?
When SB 384 got put into effect, I was automatically assigned to Tier 3: Lifetime registration without the ability to petition for termination or even show proof of rehabilitation. I’m telling you very strongly that SB 384 is ridiculous. After my conviction, my judge allowed me to get psychotherapy, but they’re forcing me to still register for the rest of my life. Does that make sense to any of you? Absolutely not to me. Right after I completed my therapy term, I think I should have been taken right off the registry. I am currently keeping a straight mind to keep total control over my thoughts, speech and actions. I’m observing and respecting social boundaries with everybody I encounter. Therefore, we really don’t need a registry. The registry must be completely abolished. Let’s all stick together to fight to abolish the registry.
Although this is just about restoring gun rights it’s a movement withdrawing delegated authority which is on the way to challenging the retroactive application of Sorna by The Attorney General
Non delegation doctrine is before the supreme court now considering
but this is interesting and should be paid attention to at the least we should have the means to protect ourselves at home when vigilantes are still on the prowl
SUMMARY: This interim final rule (“IFR”) amends the Department of Justice (“Department”) regulations relating to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (“ATF”) by withdrawing effectively moribund regulations regarding how ATF will adjudicate applications for relief from the disabilities imposed by certain firearms laws and withdrawing a related delegation.
I. Public Participation Interested persons are invited to participate in this rulemaking by submitting written data, views, or arguments on all aspects of this rule. The Department also invites comments that relate to the economic or federalism effects that might result from this rule. Comments that will provide the most assistance to the Department in developing these procedures will reference a specific portion of the rule, explain the reason for any recommended change, and include data, information, or authority that supports such recommended change. Comments must be submitted in English or accompanied by an English translation.
B. Withdrawal of Delegation of Authority to ATF To Implement 18 U.S.C. 925(c)
In Executive Order 14206 of February 6, 2025 ( Protecting Second Amendment Rights), the President reaffirmed our national commitment to “[t]he Second Amendment [as] an indispensable safeguard of security and liberty,” and directed that “[w]ithin 30 days of the date of this order, the Attorney General shall examine all orders, regulations, guidance, plans, international agreements, and other actions of executive departments and agencies (agencies) to assess any ongoing infringements of the Second Amendment rights of our citizens.” Consistent with this Order and with the Department’s own strong support for all constitutional rights, including “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” enshrined in the Second Amendment, the Department has begun that review process in earnest and will provide the President with a plan as required by Order 14206.
The Dems are knocking the Republican running for the Wisconsin bench seat because he gave a 3 counts CP conviction 90 days incarceration and 9 yrs probation. In another case he was “soft “ on a child abuse conviction due to the victim’s family asking for leniency.
So for those thinking Dems are better for our cause, think again.